For designer Emily Daccarett fashion and music can not be separated. Daccarett creates an immersive world of storytelling through music, film, and fashion. Each...
SH1LLER – is a New York based Independent Rap Artist originating back from a Former Soviet Union Country. The rapper is a polyglot...
In 2016, Jonathan Arceneaux met Konstantin Smorodnikov and the two artists realized about ten minutes into a conversation that spanned the entire...
The great thing about music is that it is universal and something you create in one part of the world can literally...
New Zealand is a sovereign island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country has two main landmasses—the North Island, and the South...
From The Departure, The Moons, New Cartoons and most recently Slow Thai. Northampton has been known to contribute it’s fair share of great music artists. Northampton is...
The singer/songwriter Liam Merrigan has dropped an amazing new EP. ‘Evermore’ which is his amazing release for 2020 ticks all the boxes...
Tribe All, are the latest brand to be announced as official Bronze category partners of the Urban Music Awards 2020. The Urban...
God Given Talent.Fit are the latest brand to be announced as Official Bronze Category partners of the Urban Music Awards 2020. The...
Katrin Leiber, is the latest brand to be announced by the National Film Academy, as an Official Bronze Category partner of the...