Florida born and North Carolina raised, Davy Williamson’s debut single “Thin Disguise” is the work of a musical sensibility thoroughly immersed in...
See Your Shadow Songwriting is a musical creation entity currently based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Run by Michael Coleman, aka The Metropolitan...
Mauri Dark’s autobiographical debut solo album Dreams Of A Middle-Aged Man invites you into dark, folky, timeless, intimate, and acoustic songscapes. There...
Fitzsimon and Brogan also known as FaB were both members of the band, Pretty Blue Gun, who were signed to an indie...
Singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist ZPEXTRE’s sound may not be pigeonhole-able, but it does consistently deliver complexity and originality. Instead of approaching their music...
Nadia Vaeh’s journey, upbringing, and an assortment of world travels have brought her to this point. Her brand new single Spell Binding...
With a natural urge to connect with people through music, the South Florida native Quinten Tyvon started singing at the early age...
The Big Mackoofy is a group which by their own admission were “Heavily influenced by 70’s African Psychedelia” , think Bowie meets...
Emerging teen talent, professionally known as Cmagic5, is a high-octane Canadian singer/songwriter and musician. At age 4 she began performing in musical...
Joe Deere is a singer/songwriter, music and video producer from Hamburg / Germany who spent his childhood in Wales/ United Kingdom. He...