Nadia Vaeh’s journey, upbringing, and an assortment of world travels have brought her to this point. Her brand new single Spell Binding...
Emerging teen talent, professionally known as Cmagic5, is a high-octane Canadian singer/songwriter and musician. At age 4 she began performing in musical...
Introducing Walter Hansen, a composer, singer, and award-winning multi-instrumentalist currently producing innovative synthwave and chillwave music. His complex, often unexpected instrumentations and...
Matthew Tyler Williamson better known musically as Maceo Musa is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, and activist. Matthew Williamson was born...
New York-based singer-songwriter imthediana thrives on being innovative and different. Growing up in an Italian American family, she would wake up to...
Dejhare (pronounce deɪ-Jhar) is first and foremost a dreamer. Her vision is to use her music to reach out to people on...
Introducing Maitika Rollack, an emerging hip-hop/rap artist and songwriter originating from Harlowe, North Carolina. The talented musician is poised to make waves...
Stan Sitwell (aka DJ Tim Mills) has been deejaying professionally for 20+ years, since 1998. DJ Tim began deejaying in Tokyo, JP....
NGUVU: A Swahili term for Power, Force, and Energy. Perfect words to describe this musical powerhouse. Formed in Manchester by drummer Jamal...
North Shore Boston’s Cold Engines is the retro-wave, power pop, and melody-driven rock project of radio darling touring machine, The Brew’s founder David Drouin...