Hyde Out are a duo from London, consisting of Omar Merlo and Jaka Levstek who have been musically collaborating since 2014. Both...
O.G, which is due for official release on November 20th, 2020, is the third track to drop from Auckland-born, Brisbane-based Rap artist...
Blind Uncle Harry’s new single “Christmas Day in Australia” is set to go down as a classic. The song paints a backdrop...
Calhuis are a music duo with a difference. In a world where most music artists are desperate for fame. They have decided...
SIR DUKE has released his first Christmas track Named Santa Claus is coming to town that is all about family and Love....
J.Asadi is back with his new single Mr. Sinister was released in October and it is still making waves and gaining critical...
Introducing Downtown Mystic also known as Robert Allen. The New York City based singer, songwriter, and guitarist is back and making his...
NGUVU: A Swahili term for Power, Force, and Energy. Perfect words to describe this musical powerhouse. Formed in Manchester by drummer Jamal...
Imelda Gabs is a Belgian singer, pianist, songwriter, and producer based between Switzerland and the UK. With a heavy Jazz background and multiple...
North Shore Boston’s Cold Engines is the retro-wave, power pop, and melody-driven rock project of radio darling touring machine, The Brew’s founder David Drouin...