The National Film Awards saw an array of talent descend upon the Porchester Hall for the prestigious evening that sees coveted awards...
Just Cos Catering has been announced as official catering company for the 2017 National Film Awards taking place on the 29th of...
The celebration saw Dame Vivienne Westwood tuck into bhuti’s organic, raw birthday cake and sipping on herbal teas, while congratulating bhuti on...
Catherine Zeta Jones, Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender and Gemma Jones are among acts shortlisted for this year’s National Film Awards UK. The...
The Forklab was created from an idea of Andrea Zagatti and Carlos Rodriguez to create an exceptional luxury catering service for London’s...
Chart topping artist Egypt whose hit ‘In the Morning’ has revolutionized the dancefloor worldwide will be joining forces with headphone brand Phonaudio...
Spa by Car has been announced as official sponsor for the Best Entertainment Shoe category at the prestigious 6thannual National Reality TV...
Award-winning jeweller Tresor Paris, renowned for their finely crafted crystal and now diamond jewellery, were on hand at this year’s 2nd annual...
The National Film Academy has today announced it’s partnership with leading pioneer Liquid Beauty Supplement Gold Collagen as sponsors of the Best...
Last night, the UMA’s (Urban Music Awards) celebrated it’s 13th anniversary in London (21.11.15). The red carpet was glittering affair with a...