Disarmingly open and seemingly effortless, Hülya captivates her listeners with the intimate intensity of her songs, which is conveyed by her incomparable...
Becky Rose, is a 28 year old singer/songwriter based in Worcester, UK. She writes, produces and performs music spanning across multiple genres,...
Chicago Techno Artist AFTR has decided to release “Humboldt Swagger (Wanna Go Down)” from the “MAY” EP, which is set to be ...
JayQ The Legend is following up on his international success with the release of a new track to call out importance of...
Lawrence Sean Sibanda was born in Johannesburg in 1993 to Zimbabwean immigrants. While his parents migrated to England, Dragg returned to Zimbabwe...
In 2019 The Zombies were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. On stage with the rest of the band...
During the late 2010s, Jay Vinchi – a recording artist, songwriter, visual artist, and producer – emerged with a diverse spectrum of...
Come Taste The Misery is a project created by musician and composer Christos Kariotis He is the guitarist for the bands: “A...
Finland isn’t exactly the first place that comes to mind when the words acid and techno crop up in the same sentence,...
Introducing Roman Zanoni who is preparing for the release of a brand new single called “Stick to The Plan” . The gospel...