Sandor Gavin is a New Wave/Synthpop artist and songwriter based in New York City. His sound strikes as a powerful combination of...
Fixed Fate is a labor of love masterminded by singer/lead guitarist Jon Besette featuring an eclectic mix of guitar-driven music. Listening to...
With a bunch of live shows in his pocket, singles released in 2013 and again in 2015, vaxxo is wired and ready...
Ajia Clark is a Singer/Songwriter from Colorado who decided in 2007 after being a backup singer to embark on a solo singing...
Jay Morgan is an emerging folk artist, singer, and songwriter originating from Leeds, England. The new artist is set to make waves...
Kimberley Balacanao, is a singer/songwriter determines to make it all the way to the top. The British Filipino singer and songwriter from...
Introducing Tim Trilioni is a New Orleans Native who’s grown up literally most of his life around all genres and music forms....
BLOOMR is an indie rock, singer-songwriter project started by Brian Scott and Steven Webb of defenders. It sounds like the love child...
Devin White is an R&B musician and talent scout for Rel Carter, Roc Nation executive and nephew of rap icon Jay-Z. Together...
Hailing from Houma, Louisiana, a talented singer and songwriter Daze Dontrelle wasted no time exploring music. He began playing the drums at...