
The Kerri Tales release new single “Thistle Girl”

The Kerri Tales is an indie Pop/Rock band from a land of trees and lakes otherwise known as Vancouver Island. This talented trio of songwriters is building a powerful and diverse array of musical “tales” that the world can listen, feel and move to! Comprising of powerful vocalist Kerri Shannon, legendary guitarist/engineer Jim Kraneveldt and mercurial keyboardist Graham White, the Kerri Tales invite you to join them and be a part of the journey together through the stories in their songs!

Thistle Girl, the latest single from The Kerri Tales, is likely her most complete and impactful musical effort yet. The production captures the song’s emotional turbulence, and Kerri’s voice and lyrics are at the center of it all.

The rising and falling in the song comes at all the right places – we are waiting for these payoffs and, when Kerri  delivers, you can tangibly feel the song moving into a higher gear. There’s a very physically, engaging quality to how the track is put together, but it never sounds labored over or too plotted out. The freshness of the band The Kerri Tales musical backing can only be ascribed to inspiration and skill – two qualities in abundance on this single.

Kerri’s vocals show off some of their technical abilities throughout the track, but the guiding principle here is passion shaped by technique. It’s never restrained or sterile. She understands how to use her voice to best possible effect and varies her phrasing appropriately with the emotional content of the lyrics.

She cuts her voice to fit both the peaks and valleys of the musical arrangement and it gives the performance an unified quality that few pop songs achieve today. Kerri’s lyrics seem ripped from the pages of her own life – the wealth of detail and the direct eloquence of how she presents the situation make an impact all their own on the listener. She’s given herself excellent material to work with.

Thistle Girl is the product of a first class talent who, despite the critically favourable notices she’s already received, has only begun to scratch the surface of her talents.

The Kerri Tales, with each successive single, keeps getting better and better and it seems like the sky is the proverbial limit for this musical artist. We decided to catch up with them for an exclusive interview on Camden Monthly…

What inspired you to get into music?
My sister being on stage inspired me to want to sing, I started out wanting to be a broadway singer when I was kid loved the songs and from there my music career took a different shape but I’m so glad it did.

How would you describe your music?
I would describe our music as little touch of everything gravitating more to a country rock feel with some dashes of blues thrown in.

What would you say is your recording and song writing style?
I like to work on melodies first when I write I like a good vibe, and lyrics are something that’s a passion of mine I’m always writing down little phrases from life you never know what can be a great song. And I try to record but I’m so grateful for my band mates Jim Kraneveldt and graham white they are amazing at recording and are the team that gets it done.

Where would you like to see your music career in 5 years time?
In 5 years I would love to be hopefully touring and running strong with my band

To Listen to The Kerri Tales online;
Click here for the Official Website
or visit:
Apple Music

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